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special beers

There are many special and seasonal beers brewed at certain times of the year around the world, such as the boch beer served during Octoberfest. My two favorite seasonals both come from what is obviously my favorite brewery, the Sierra Nevada Brewery. I eagerly await their Christmas beer, Celebration Ale, each year. bottle of Celebration Alebottle of Big FootIt is an extraordinary beer, with a deep amber color, bold, and extremely hoppy. This is a beer with a rich character that might overwhelm the uninitiated. But if you enjoy a strong beer with plenty of flavor you have to try Celebration.

Made available in late winter and early spring, Sierra Nevada Big Foot barleywine is a true powerhouse. Weighing in at about 11% alcohol by volume it is not your ordinary beer. Michael Jackson said, “its name Big Foot, captures the imagination, and its character is as big as the name implies, with huge hoppiness in its earthy aroma, a chewy palate, and a great depth of flavor.”

link to Sierra Nevada Web site

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Michaels Jackson's Beer Companion
was a valuable resource during preparation of this site.