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Isaac Asimov
Frank Herbert
Bilbo Baggins, by the Hildebrandt Bros

Date Title Author
02/25 The 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time Various
01/25 Beowulf: Translation and Commentary Shippey
01/25 Tolkien & The Silmarillion Kilby
12/24 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 24
12/24 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 24
11/24 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 24
11/24 Murder at Double Groove Taylor
10/24 Chapterhouse: Dune Herbert
10/24 Heretics of Dune Herbert
9/24 God Emperor of Dune Herbert
9/24 Children of Dune Herbert
9/24 Dune Messiah Herbert
9/24 Dune Herbert
8/24 The Dead are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X Payne
8/24 The Hobbit Tolkien
8/24 The Road to Roswell Willis
7/24 Every Tool's a Hammer: Life is What You Make It Savage
7/24 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 24
6/24 Barrayar Bujold
6/24 Shards of Honor Bujold
6/24 The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen Doyle
6/24 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 23
6/24 The War of the Worlds Wells
6/24 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson
5/24 A Midsummer Tempest Anderson
5/24 Three Hearts and Three Lions Anderson
5/24 Tau Zero Anderson
5/24 The Warden Trollope
4/24 More Than the Sum of His Parts: Collected Stories Haldeman
4/24 Pity, Power, and Tolkien's Ring: To Rule the Fate of Many Hillman
4/24 Barchester Towers Trollope
3/24 The White Feather Wodehouse
3/24 Tales of St. Austin's Wodehouse
3/24 Frank Herbert: Unpublished Stories Herbert
3/24 A Thorn in the Bush Herbert
3/24 A Game of Authors Herbert
3/24 Angel's Fall Herbert
3/24 High-Opp Herbert
3/24 The Swoop! or How Clarence Saved England - A Tale of the Great Invasion Wodehouse
3/24 Piccadilly Jim Wodehouse
3/24 To Move the World: JFK's Quest for Peace Sachs
3/24 The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Revised and Expanded Edition Tolkien
2/24 Demon Daughter (Penric #12) Bujold
2/24 Knife Children (Book 4.5 of The Sharing Knife) Bujold
1/24 Horizon (Book 4 of The Sharing Knife) Bujold
1/24 Passage (Book 3 of The Sharing Knife) Bujold
1/24 Legacy (Book 2 of The Sharing Knife) Bujold
1/24 Beguilement (Book 1 of The Sharing Knife) Bujold
1/24 Knot of Shadows (Penric #11) Bujold
1/24 The Assassins of Thasalon (Penric #10) Bujold
1/24 The Physicians of Vilnoc (Penric #9) Bujold
1/24 The Orphans of Raspay (Penric #8) Bujold
12/23 The Prisoner of Limnos (Penric #7) Bujold
12/23 Mira's Last Dance (Penric #6) Bujold
12/23 Penric's Mission (Penric #5) Bujold
12/23 Masquerade at Lodi (Penric #4) Bujold
12/23 Penric's Fox (Penric #3) Bujold
12/23 Penric and the Shaman (Penric #2) Bujold
12/23 Penric's Demon (Penric #1) Bujold
12/23 The Best of James Van Pelt Van Pelt
11/23 The John Varley Reader: 30 Years of Short Fiction Varley
10/23 Why We Love Middle-earth Marchese & Sisto
10/23 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 23
09/23 The Man Upstairs and Other Stories Wodehouse
08/23 A Man of Means Wodehouse
08/23 Aaron Trow Trollope
08/23 The Little Nugget Wodehouse
08/23 The Gem Collector Wodehouse
08/23 Penric's Demon Bujold
7/23 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 23
7/23 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 23
6/23 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 23
05/23 The Proverbs of Middle-earth Rowe
05/23 The Fall of Númenor Tolkien (ed. Sibley)
04/23 Observer Lanza & Kress
04/23 Behaving Decently: Kurt Vonnegut's Humanism Laufert
04/23 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol I Gibbon
1/23 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 23
1/23 Green Mars Robinson
12/22 Talion: Revenant Stackpole
12/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 22
12/22 Red Mars Robinson
10/22 The Great Tales Never End: Essays in Memory of Christopher Tolkien various (ed. Ovenden)
10/22 The Making of Middle-earth: The Worlds of Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings Snyder
9/22 U.S.S.A. Book 3 Sykes
9/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 22
9/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 22
8/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 22
8/22 Rime Isle Leiber
7/22 Red: A History of the Redhead Harvey
7/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 22
6/22 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 22
5/22 Tolkien & the Classical World various (ed. Williams)
5/22 The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain Twain
4/22 Dream Park Niven & Barnes
4/22 The 1982 Annual World's Best SF various (ed. Wollheim)
3/22 The Best American Short Stories 1997 various (ed. Proulx)
3/22 The Radical King King (West)
2/22 More Tales of the Black Widowers Asimov
2/22 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection (1985) various
2/22 J.R.R. Tolkien for Kids: His Life and Writings Carr
1/22 The Third Book of Swords Saberhagen
1/22 The Second Book of Swords Saberhagen
1/22 The First Book of Swords Saberhagen
1/22 The Girl in Blue Wodehouse
1/22 A Wodehouse Bestiary Wodehouse
12/21 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov/Dec 18
12/21 City Builders and Vandals in Our Age Maupin
11/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 21
11/21 The Titan's Curse Riordan
11/21 The Sea of Monsters Riordan
11/21 The Nature of Middle-earth Tolkien
10/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 21
10/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 21
9/21 The Lightning Thief Riordan
9/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 21
9/21 The Two Towers Tolkien
9/21 Wodehouse On Crime Wodehouse
8/21 Proteus Unbound Sheffield
8/21 Sight of Proteus Sheffield
8/21 The Dragon and the George Dickson
8/21 Going Silverberg
8/21 Thomas the Proclaimer Silverberg
8/21 Born with the Dead Silverberg
8/21 The Woman Between the Worlds MacIntyre
7/21 Madwand Zelazny
7/21 Laughing Shall I Die Shippey
7/21 The Nitpicker's Guide for Classic Trekkers Farrand
6/21 Collected Stories and Essays (from The Library of America: Butler) Butler
6/21 Fledgling Butler
6/21 Kindred Butler
6/21 Empire of Illusion Hedges
5/21 Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt Hedges
5/21 The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol.2B - The Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time various
5/21 The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol.4 - Nebula Winners 1970-1974 various
4/21 Worlds of If (science fiction magazine) Aug 1974
4/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 21
3/21 The Science Fiction Hall of Fame - Vol 4 various
3/21 Baltimore Beer: A Satisfying History of Charm City Brewing Kasper
3/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 21
2/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 20
1/21 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 20
1/21 Tolkien: A Biography Carpenter
12/20 The Road Goes Ever On - A Song Cycle Tolkien & Swann
12/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 20
12/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 20
11/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 20
11/20 Mostly Harmless Adams
11/20 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe Adams
11/20 So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Adams
11/20 Life, the Universe and Everything Adams
11/20 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Adams
10/20 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Adams
10/20 Other Days, Other Eyes Shaw
10/20 Brave New World Revisited Huxley
10/20 Brave New World Huxley
10/20 American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People's History of Fake News - from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror Sirvent & Haiphong
9/20 Democracy Inc.: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism Wolin
9/20 Tales from Watership Down Adams
8/20 Watership Down Adams
8/20 Bullet Points and Punch Lines Camp
8/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 20
7/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 19
7/20 Chapterhouse: Dune Herbert
6/20 Heretics of Dune Herbert
6/20 God Emperor of Dune Herbert
5/20 Children of Dune Herbert
5/20 Dune Messiah Herbert
5/20 Dune Herbert
4/20 Jonathan Livingston Seagull Bach
4/20 Greedy Bastard$ Ratigan
4/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 19
4/20 Tolkien's Lost Chaucer Bowers
3/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 19
3/20 I, Claudius Graves
2/20 The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark Shakespeare
2/20 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 19
2/20 Troubled Water: What's Wrong with What We Drink Siegel
1/20 The Earthquake Machine Mitchelson & Utechin
1/20 The Westend Horror Meyer
1/20 Hogfather Pratchett
1/20 The Management of Savagery Blumenthal
12/19 The Windup Girl Bacigalupi
12/19 Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media Herman & Chomsky
11/19 Ursula's Gift DiSilvestro
11/19 Indiscretions of Archie Wodehouse
10/19 Pump Six and Other Stories Bagigalupi
10/19 The Planets Sobel
10/19 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) May 1989
10/19 The Best American Mystery Stories 2005 various
10/19 Further Adventures of a Grumpy Old Rock Star Wakeman
9/19 Mary's Mosaic Janney
8/19 The Well at World's End - Volume 1 & 2 Morris
8/19 And Then There Were None Christie
8/19 Frozen Assets Wodehouse
7/19 Vonnegut in Fact: The Public Spokesmanship of Personal Fiction Klinkowitz
7/19 Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Olsen
7/19 Tolkien at Exeter College: How an Oxford Undergraduate Created Middle-earth Garth
5/19 Analog Science Fiction & Fact (magazine) Nov 1988
7/19 Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth Garth
6/19 Win Some, Lose Some Resnick
6/19 Welcome to Dystopia various
5/19 Good Omens Gaiman & Pratchett
5/19 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Brown
5/19 America: The Farewell Tour Hedges
5/19 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 2013
5/19 Reagan's Reign of Error Green & MacColl
4/19 N-Space Niven
4/19 Tolkien Treasures McIlwaine
4/19 I Never Met a Story I Didn't Like: Mostly True Tall Tales Snider
3/19 Smith of Wootton Major Tolkien
3/19 Farmer Giles of Ham Tolkien
3/19 Leaf by Niggle Tolkien
3/19 On Fairy-Stories Tolkien
3/19 The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son Tolkien
3/19 The Adventures of Tom Bombadil Tolkien
3/19 The Wind from a Burning Woman Bear
2/19 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 19
2/19 Aunts Aren't Gentlemen Wodehouse
2/19 Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention Marable
2/19 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 19
2/19 Wall Around a Star Pohl & Williamson
2/19 Farthest Star Pohl & Williamson
1/19 The Ponzi Factor Liu
1/19 The Ocean at the End of the Lane Gaiman
1/19 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 18
12/18 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 18
12/18 Hemingway's Chair Palin
12/18 Archly and Mehitabel Marquis
12/18 Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth Tolkien
12/18 A Christmas Carol Dickens
11/18 The Silmarillion Tolkien
11/18 The Return of the King Tolkien
10/18 The Two Towers Tolkien
10/18 Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Postman
10/18 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
10/18 The Hobbit Tolkien
10/18 How the Rats Re-Formed the Congress Nader
10/18 Destiny Doll Simak
10/18 The Songs of Distant Earth Clarke
9/18 Hail to the Chins: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor Campbell
9/18 If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor Campbell
9/18 The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke Clarke
9/18 Bagombo Snuff Box Vonnegut
9/18 The Fall of Gondolin Tolkien
8/18 A Night in the Lonesome October Zelazny
8/18 Pluribus Kurland
7/18 A People's History of The United States (Reissued 2017 Edition) Zinn
7/18 Side Effects Allen
7/18 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 18
7/18 Getting Even Allen
7/18 Live and Let Die Fleming
6/18 Star Trek TOS: The Shocks of Adversity Leisner
6/18 Without Feathers Allen
6/18 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 18
6/18 Space Mail various
6/18 Redgauntlet Scott
6/18 The Future in Question various
5/18 Dangerous Women various
5/18 Beyond Star Trek: Physics from Aliens to the End of Time Krauss
5/18 Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons Vonnegut
5/18 A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo Twiss (illustrated by Keller aka Kelley)
5/18 The PreHistory of The Far Side: A 10th Anniversary Exhibit Larson
4/18 Our Friends from Frolix 8 Dick
4/18 Asimov Laughs Again Asimov
4/18 The Word of God: or, Holy Writ Rewritten Disch
4/18 King Lear Shakespeare
4/18 Much Obliged, Jeeves Wodehouse
4/18 Titus Alone Peake
4/18 Limericks Asimov & Cairdi
4/18 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 18
3/18 Gormenghast Peake
3/18 Common Sense Paine
3/18 Titus Groan Peake
2/18 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 18
2/18 The Tempest Shakespeare
2/18 Measure for Measure Shakespeare
1/18 Resurgence Sheffield
1/18 Convergence Sheffield
1/18 Dreamsnake McIntyre
1/18 Vacationland Hodgman
1/18 The Return of the Black Widowers Asimov
1/18 A Christmas Memory, One Christmas, & The Thanksgiving Visitor Capote
1/18 A Fine and Private Place Beagle
1/18 Lady Death Beagle
1/18 There Would Always Be a Fairy Tale: More Essays on Tolkien Flieger
1/18 The Last Unicorn Beagle
1/18 On Bullshit Frankfurt
12/17 Lila the Werewolf Beagle
12/17 Rodney Dangerfield - It's Not Easy Being Me Dangerfield
12/17 Hyperion Simmons
12/17 Transcendence Sheffield
12/17 Divergence Sheffield
12/17 Summertide Sheffield
11/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov/Dec 17
11/17 Jailbird Vonnegut
11/17 Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way (audio book) Campbell
11/17 Othello Shakespeare
10/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep/Oct 17
10/17 All's Well That Ends Well Shakespeare
10/17 Twelfth Night or, What You Will Shakespeare
10/17 The Very Best of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction various
10/17 Wheel of the Winds Engh
9/17 Arslan Engh
9/17 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 30 Year Retrospective various
9/17 As You Like It Shakespeare
9/17 Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare
9/17 Is Anyone There? Asimov
8/17 Slapstick Vonnegut
8/17 Analog's Golden Anniversary Anthology various
8/17 Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography Clarke
8/17 On the Beach Shute
8/17 The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes various
8/17 A Tolkien Treasury various
7/17 Dissecting American History: A Theme-Based Narrative Thacker
7/17 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 89
7/17 The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare
7/17 The High Crusade Anderson
7/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul/Aug 17
6/17 White Fang London
6/17 The Call of the Wild London
6/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May/Jun 17
6/17 Beren and Luthien Tolkien
5/17 Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare
5/17 The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights Knowles
5/17 The Two Gentlemen of Verona Shakespeare
5/17 The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare
5/17 The Violent American Century Dower
5/17 The Handmaid's Tale Atwood
4/17 Gilliamesque: A Pre-posthumous Memoir Gilliam & Thompson
4/17 Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade Vonnegut
4/17 Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut
4/17 Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut
3/17 God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater Vonnegut
3/17 V for Vendetta Moore/Lloyd
3/17 The Oxford Book of Short Stories various
3/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar/Apr 17
2/17 Capricorn Games Silverberg
2/17 Love's Labour's Lost Shakespeare
2/17 Titus Andronicus Shakespeare
2/17 Outnumbering the Dead Pohl
2/17 Return to Sender: Unanswered Letters to the President, 2001-2015 Nader
2/17 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan/Feb 17
1/17 Wizards: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy various
1/17 The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories Asimov
1/17 Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves Wodehouse
1/17 Wodehouse: A Life McClum
12/16 Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare
12/16 A Tolkien Bestiary Day
12/16 The Wit and Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin Franklin
12/16 The Frank Book Woodring
12/16 Julius Caesar Shakespeare
12/16 Coriolanus Shakespeare
12/16 The Lay of Aotrou & Itroun Tolkien
12/16 Strange Gifts various
11/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 16
11/16 Lucrece Shakespeare
11/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 16
11/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 16
10/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 16
10/16 Addicted to War Andreas
10/16 War is a Racket Butler
10/16 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine)
Fortieth Year issue
Oct 89
10/16 Pericles Shakespeare
9/16 The Comedy of Errors Shakespeare
9/16 The Winter's Tale Shakespeare
9/16 Timon of Athens Shakespeare
9/16 Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare
9/16 A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare
9/16 Venus and Adonus Shakespeare
9/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 16
9/16 The Sensuous Dirty Old Man Asimov (Dr. "A")
9/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 16
8/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 16
8/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 16
8/16 Cat's Cradle Vonnegut
8/16 Mother Night Vonnegut
8/16 The Golf Omnibus Wodehouse
8/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 16
8/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 16
7/16 Player Piano Vonnegut
7/16 The Sirens of Titan Vonnegut
7/16 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 89
7/16 The Winter of the World Anderson
7/16 Berserker's Star Saberhagen
6/16 Rogue Berserker Saberhagen
6/16 Unfinished Tales Tolkien
5/16 Our Angry Earth Asimov & Pohl
5/16 One Flew Over the Cucoos Nest Kesey
5/16 Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor Asimov
4/16 The Silmarillion Tolkien
4/16 Moby Dick Melville
4/16 The Story of Kullervo Tolkien
2/16 Mother Aegypt and Other Stories Baker
2/16 Foul Territory (draft novel) Taylor
2/16 Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen Bujold
2/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 15
1/16 Jeeves in the Offing Wodehouse
1/16 A Few Quick Ones Wodehouse
1/16 The Best of Connie Willis Willis
1/16 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 15
1/16 The Iron Man Hughes
1/16 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Foster
12/15 In the Company of Thieves Baker
12/15 Ken's Guide to the Bible Smith
12/15 Nell Gwynne's Scarlet Spy Baker
12/15 The Women of Nell Gwynne's Baker
12/15 The Far Call Dickson
11/15 The Wind in the Willows Grahame
11/15 Galileo's Dream Robinson
11/15 The Art of The Hobbit by JRRT Hammond/Scull
11/15 Dark Mondays Baker
11/15 The 100 Best Poems of All Time (ed. L. Pockwell) various
10/15 The Empress of Mars Baker
10/15 Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit Wodehouse
10/15 The Boy Who Would Live Forever Pohl
10/15 The Annals of the Heechee Pohl
9/15 Heechee Rendezvous Pohl
9/15 Beyond the Blue Event Horizen Pohl
9/15 Earthbound Haldeman
9/15 Starbound Haldeman
9/15 Marsbound Haldeman
9/15 The Voyage of the Space Beagle Van Vogt
9/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 15
8/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 15
8/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 15
8/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 15
8/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 15
7/15 The Stone that Never Came Down Brunner
7/15 A Dance with Dragons Martin
7/15 A Feast for Crows Martin
6/15 A Storm of Swords Martin
6/15 A Clash of Kings Martin
5/15 A Game of Thrones Martin
4/15 When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? Carlin
4/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 15
4/15 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 15
4/15 The Compass Rose Le Guin
3/15 Ring for Jeeves Wodehouse
3/15 Earthlight Clarke
3/15 Childhood's End Clarke
3/15 Across the Sea of Stars Clarke
3/15 The City and the Stars Clarke
3/15 The Other Side of the Sky Clarke
2/15 The Deep Range Clarke
2/15 As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of "The Princess Bride" Elwes
1/15 The Book of the Damned Lee
1/15 The Dosadi Experiment Herbert
12/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 15
12/14 Earthmen and Strangers: Nine Stories of Science Fiction various
12/14 Cryoburn Bujold
12/14 Captain Vorpatril's Alliance Bujold
11/14 Diplomatic Immunity Bujold
11/14 Winterfair Gilfts Bujold
11/14 A Civil Campaign Bujold
11/14 Smith of Wootton Major: Extended Edition [ed. by V. Flieger] Tolkien
11/14 Folk of the Fringe Card
11/14 Green Sun and Faerie: Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien Flieger
11/14 The Mating Season Wodehouse
11/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 14
11/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 14
10/14 The Corrections Franzen
09/14 Lost History Parry
09/14 The Shock Doctrine Klein
09/14 Wealth and Democracy Phillips
08/14 Why Orwell Matters Hitchens
08/14 Declarations of Independence Zinn
08/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 14
08/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 14
07/14 Joy in the Morning Wodehouse
07/14 Orbit 19 various
07/14 Maske: Thaery Vance
06/14 Sleepwalker's World Dickson
06/14 Gateway Pohl
06/14 Beowulf (Translated) Tolkien
05/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 14
05/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 14
05/14 Eureka! What Archimedes Really Meant Macrone
05/14 Finally, The Pawn Thacker
04/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 14
04/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 14
04/14 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 14
03/14 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Norton Critical 2nd Edition, including backgrounds, sources, and criticism) Clemens
02/14 The Great Comic Book Heroes Feiffer
02/14 A Pepple Tossed (draft novel) Taylor
02/14 Ringworld's Children Niven
01/14 The Ringworld Throne Niven
01/14 Ringworld Engineers Niven
01/14 Ethan of Athos Bujold
01/14 Komarr Bujold
01/14 Night of the Living Trekkies Anderson & Stall
01/14 Memory Bujold
01/14 Redshirts Scalzi
12/13 Mirror Dance Bujold
12/13 Falling Free Bujold
12/13 Brothers in Arms Bujold
12/13 Cetaganda Bujold
12/13 Borders of Infinity (3 novellas) Bujold
11/13 The Vor Game Bujold
11/13 The Warrior's Apprentice Bujold
11/13 Barrayar Bujold
11/13 Shards of Honor Bujold
11/13 Cycle of the Werewolf King
11/13 Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen: Attack of the Optiklons (1-5) various
11/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 14
11/13 Choosers of the Slain Thacker
11/13 A Gathering of Widowmakers Resnick
10/13 What Wolves Know Reed
10/13 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 89
10/13 The Fall of Arthur Tolkien
10/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 13
10/13 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee
09/13 Whispers IV various
09/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 13
09/13 William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope Doescher
08/13 Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Poe
08/13 Twilight of the Assholes Kreider
08/13 The Development of Arthurian Romance Loomis
08/13 Best Science Fiction Stories of Clifford D. Simak Simak
07/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 13
07/13 1968 Haldeman
07/13 Thank You, Jeeves Wodehouse
07/13 Ringworld Niven
07/13 Fantasy & Science Fiction (magazine) May 89
07/13 The Story of Stupidity Welles
07/13 The Silmarillion Tolkien
06/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 13
06/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 13
06/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 13
06/13 Carrion Comfort Simmons
05/13 Mockingjay Collins
05/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 13
04/13 Modoc Helfer
04/13 The Lovely Bones Sebold
04/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 13
04/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 13
04/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 13
04/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 12
03/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 12
03/13 The Kite Runner Hosseini
03/13 The Return of the King Tolkien
03/13 The Two Towers Tolkien
02/13 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
02/13 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 12
02/13 The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower King
01/13 The Phantom Tollbooth Juster
01/13 The Dark Tower 6: Song of Susannah King
12/12 The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla King
12/12 Higglety Pigglety Pop! Sendak
11/12 The Hobbit Tolkien
11/12 The World of Jeeves Wodehouse
11/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 12
09/12 Catching Fire Collins
09/12 The Most Brilliant Thoughts of All Time (In Two Lines or Less) various
08/12 The Man in the High Castle Dick
08/12 The Door into Summer Heinlein
08/12 Double Star Heinlein
08/12 The Puppet Masters Heinlein
07/12 The Princess Bride Goldman
07/12 Up Till Now Shatner/Fisher
07/12 The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass King
07/12 The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands King
07/12 The Golden Shepard
06/12 The Dark Tower 2: The Drawing of the Three King
06/12 City of Illusion Le Guin
06/12 Planet of Exile Le Guin
05/12 Rocannon's World Le Guin
5/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 12
5/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 12
5/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 12
04/12 The Hunger Games Collins
04/12 With Liberty and Justice for Some Greenwald
04/12 Vulture's Picnic Palast
03/12 Little Big Man Berger
03/12 And Another Thing... Colfer
03/12 The Catcher in the Rye Salinger
2/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 12
2/12 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 12
02/12 Arda Reconstructed Kane
02/12 The John W. Campbell Letters Vol 1 Campbell
01/12 Open Veins of Latin America Galeano
01/12 Choosers of the Slain (draft screenplay) Thacker
12/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 12
11/11 The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway
11/11 Tolkien and the Study of His Sources various
11/11 The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger King
11/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 11
11/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 11
10/11 The Stand King
10/11 Foundation and Earth Asimov
09/11 A Dance with Dragons Martin
08/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 11
08/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 11
07/11 A Feast for Crows Martin
07/11 A Storm of Swords Martin
06/11 Neena Gathering Colander
06/11 Bones of the Earth Swanwick
06/11 Clash of Kings Martin
06/11 The Croquet Player Wells
06/11 Game of Thrones Martin
05/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 11
05/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 11
05/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 11
04/11 Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction Gunn
04/11 Retief and the Warlords Laumer
03/11 Third from the Sun Matheson
03/11 Retief's War Laumer
03/11 The Once and Future King White
02/11 Dreamer of Dune Herbert
02/11 Solaris Lem
02/11 If I Stay Forman
02/11 Journey from Yesteryear Hogan
01/11 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 11
01/11 The Inimitable Jeeves Wodehouse
01/11 Carry On, Jeeves Wodehouse
01/11 The Code of the Woosters Wodehouse
01/11 A Few Quick Ones Wodehouse
12/10 Grumpy Old Rockstar and Other Wondrous Stories Wakeman
12/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 11
12/10 Pig Tale Fleiger
12/10 The Big Time Leiber
12/10 The Making of Pink Floyd The Wall Scarfe
12/10 Giants' Star Hogan
11/10 Glory Road Heinlein
11/10 The Thinking Fan's Guide to the World Cup various
11/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 11
10/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 10
10/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 10
10/10 Deathworld 3 Harrison
10/10 The Lovecraft Papers: Pulptime; Scream for Jeeves Cannon
9/10 Robots and Empire Asimov
9/10 Robots of Dawn Asimov
8/10 Foundations Edge Asimov
8/10 The Right to Be Lazy Lafargue
8/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 10
7/10 Warriors various
7/10 I Know I Am, But What Are You Bee
7/10 Deathworld 2 Harrison
7/10 Deathworld Harrison
7/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 10
6/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 10
6/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 10
6/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 10
5/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 10
5/10 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 10
4/10 The Naked Sun Asimov
4/10 The Caves of Steel Asimov
4/10 The Darwin Awards: Next Evolution Northcutt
4/10 The Autobiography of Malcolm X Macolm X/as told to Alex Haley
3/10 Second Foundation Asimov
3/10 Foundation and Empire Asimov
3/10 Foundation Asimov
3/10 The Army of the Republic Cohen
3/10 Right Ho, Jeeves Wodehouse
3/10 The Communist Manifesto Marx & Engels
2/10 The Martian Way & Other Stories Asimov
2/10 The Currents of Space Asimov
2/10 The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun Tolkien
2/10 The Ring of Words: Tolkien & the Oxford English Dictionary Gilliver, Marshall, Weiner
2/10 The Stars, Like Dust Asimov
2/10 Beating Gout: A Sufferer's Guide to Living Pain Free Konshin
2/10 The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs translated by Magnusson & Morris
1/10 The Amazing Book of Useless Information Botham
1/10 33 1/3 Series: Led Zeppelin IV Davis
1/10 Wishful Drinking Fisher
1/10 The Snow Queen Vinge
1/10 The Accidental Time Machine Haldeman
1/10 The Complete Robot Asimov
12/09 Pebble in the Sky Asimov
12/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 10
11/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 09
11/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Nov 09
11/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct 09
10/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 09
10/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 09
9/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 09
9/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 09
8/09 Lavinia Le Guin
8/09 Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases Isin
8/09 The Aeneid Virgil/Lewis
6/09 A Canticle for Leibowitz Miller
6/09 Titus Groan Peake
4/09 The Roving Mind Asimov
4/09 The Return of the King Tolkien
4/09 The Two Towers Tolkien
3/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 09
3/09 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
2/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 09
2/09 Tunnel in the Sky HeinLein
2/09 All My Sins Remembered Haldeman
2/09 The Tales of Beedle the Bard Rowling
1/09 The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays Tolkien
1/09 The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues Harrison
1/09 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 09
1/09 Beer is the Answer...I Don't Remember the Question Foley
1/09 George Bush versus the U.S. Constitution compiled for
John Conyers
12/08 Star Trek: The Manga (Shinsei Shinsei) various
12/08 The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell Harrison
12/08 Led Zeppelin Revealed Draper
12/08 33 1/3 Volume 14: Aqualung Moore
11/08 The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted Harrison
12/08 The Hobbit (2007 Edition) Tolkien
11/08 A Stainless Steel Rat is Born Harrison
11/08 A Separate War and Other Stories Haldeman
11/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 09
10/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 08
10/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 08
10/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 08
9/08 The Stainless Steel Rat for President Harrison
9/08 The Road McCarthy
9/08 The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You! Harrison
9/08 The Amber Spyglass Pullman
9/08 The Subtle Knife Pullman
8/08 The Golden Compass Pullman
8/08 The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World Harrison
8/08 The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge Harrison
8/08 The Stainless Steel Rat Harrison
8/08 To the Lighthouse Wolf
8/08 Holes Sachar
8/08 Watchmen Moore/Gibbons
7/08 Make Room! Make Room! Harrison
7/08 Little Brother Doctorow
7/08 The Sons of Heaven Baker
7/08 The Machine's Child Baker
6/08 I Am America (And So Can You!) Colbert
6/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 08
6/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 08
6/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 08
5/08 The Children of the Company Baker
5/08 The Life of the World to Come Baker
4/08 The Graveyard Game Baker
4/08 Mendoza in Hollywood Baker
4/08 Sky Coyote Baker
4/08 In the Garden of Iden Baker
4/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 08
3/08 The History of the Hobbit Vol. I & II Tolkien & Rateliff
2/08 The Modern Drunkard: A Handbook for Drinking in the 21st Century Rich
1/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 08
1/08 Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien Shippey
1/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 08
1/08 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 08
12/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 07
12/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 07
12/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 07
11/07 The Foundling and Other Tales from Prydain Alexander
11/07 The High King Alexander
11/07 Taran Wanderer Alexander
11/07 The Castle of Llyr Alexander
11/07 The Black Cauldron Alexander
11/07 The Book of Three Alexander
10/07 Black Seas of Infinity [best of collection] Lovecraft
10/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 07
09/07 Sandworms of Dune Herbert/Anderson
09/07 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rowling
08/07 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Rowling
08/07 1984 Orwell
08/07 Animal Farm Orwell
08/07 Conversations with Isaac Asimov various
08/07 HARM Aldiss
07/07 Soul Catcher Herbert
07/07 Hunters of Dune Herbert/Anderson
07/07 Chapterhouse Dune Herbert
07/07 Heretics of Dune Herbert
06/07 God Emperor of Dune Herbert
06/07 Children of Hurin Tolkien
06/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 07
05/07 Children of Dune Herbert
05/07 Dune Messiah Herbert
05/07 Dune Herbert
05/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 07
04/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr/May 07
02/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 07
02/07 The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader (including these titles) various
01/07 Understanding The Lord of the Rings: The Best of Tolkien Criticism various
01/07 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 07
01/07 The Sillymarillion: An Unauthorized Parody of The Silmarillion Lloyd
12/06 Old Twentieth Haldeman
12/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 07
12/06 The QPB Companion to The Lord of the Rings various
11/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 06
11/06 Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq Kinzer
10/06 Armed Madhouse Palast
10/06 What's God Got to do with It Ingersoll
10/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 06
09/06 Road to Dune Herbert/Anderson
09/06 Defending Middle-Earth: Tolkien: Myth and Modernity Curry
09/06 V for Vendetta Moore/Lloyd
08/06 Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy various
08/06 Inside Out: A Personal History of Pink Floyd Mason
08/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 06
07/06 Interrupted Music: The Making Of Tolkien's Mythology Flieger
07/06 The Wood Beyond the World Morris
07/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 06
06/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 06
05/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 06
04/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 06
03/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 06
02/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 06
01/06 The Pain: When Will it End? Kreider
01/06 Why Do They Kill Me? Kreider
01/06 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 06
12/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 06
11/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 05
09/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Noc 05
08/05 Confessions of an Economic Hitman Perkins
08/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 05
07/05 I Am Legend Matheson
07/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 05
06/05 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA Tarpley
06/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 05
05/05 Forever War Haldeman
05/05 Review of The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark MacDonald
05/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 05
04/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 05
04/05 The Chronicles of Naria: Book 4 Prince Caspian Lewis
03/05 Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Clarke
03/05 Camouflage Haldeman
03/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 05
02/05 The Chronicles of Narnia: Book 3 The Horse and the Boy Lewis
02/05 The Chronicles of Narnia: Book 2 The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Lewis
02/05 The Chronicles of Narnia: Book 1 The Magician's Nephew Lewis
02/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 05
01/05 Duh! The Stupid History of the Human Race Fenster
01/05 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 05
12/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 05
11/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 04
10/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 04
09/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 04
09/04 The Other Wind Le Guin
09/04 Tales from Earthsea Le Guin
08/04 Tehanu Le Guin
08/04 The Farthest Shore Le Guin
08/04 The Tombs of Atuan Le Guin
08/04 A Wizard of Earthsea Le Guin
07/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 04
06/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 04
05/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 04
04/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 04
03/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 04
04/04 It's Been a Good Life Asimov
02/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 04
02/04 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 04
01/04 Coraline Gaiman
01/04 Steel Beach Varley
01/04 Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again Miller
12/03 J.R.R. Tolkien Rogers
12/03 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Rowling
11/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 04
11/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 03
11/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 03
11/03 Unfinished Tales Tolkien
11/03 1-2-3 Magic Phelan
10/03 The Return of the King Tolkien
10/03 The Tempest Shakespeare
09/03 Early del Rey del Rey
09/03 The Early Pohl Pohl
08/03 The Golden Shepard
08/03 The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell Harrison
08/03 The Giver Lowry
08/03 Better Than Life Grant/Naylor
08/03 Red Dwarf Grant/Naylor
08/03 Bones of the Earth Swanwick
08/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 03
07/03 Guardian Haldeman
07/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 03
06/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 03
05/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 03
04/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 03
03/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 03
03/03 The Simpsons and Philosophy various
02/03 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick
02/03 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Dick
02/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 03
02/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 03
01/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 03
01/03 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 02
12/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 02
12/02 The Two Towers Tolkien
12/02 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
12/02 Geek Love Dunn
11/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 02
10/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 02
09/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 02
08/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 02
07/02 The Salmon of Doubt Adams
06/02 Chapterhouse Dune Herbert
05/02 Heretics of Dune Herbert
04/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 02
04/02 The Lathe of Heaven Le Guin
03/02 God Emperor of Dune Herbert
03/02 Children of Dune Herbert
03/02 Beloved Morrison
03/02 Dune Messiah Herbert
03/02 City of Illusions Le Guin
02/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 02
02/02 Dune Herbert
02/02 Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus Gray
02/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 02
01/02 Planet of Exile Le Guin
01/02 Rocannon's World Le Guin
01/02 Drama of the Gifted Child Miller
01/02 The Word for World is Forest Le Guin
01/02 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 02
12/01 Sandkings (anthology) Martin
12/01 Planet of the Apes Boulle
12/01 The Merchants' War Pohl
11/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 02
11/01 The Dosadi Experiment Herbert
11/01 Whipping Star Herbert
11/01 Bill, the Galactic Hero Harrison
11/01 The Space Merchants Pohl/Kornbluth
11/01 Waiting for the Galactic Bus Godwin
10/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 01
10/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 01
09/01 Sky Coyote Baker
09/01 In the Garden of Iden Baker
09/01 Eye of Cat Zelazny
09/01 J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century Shippey
08/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 01
08/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 01
07/01 The Silmarillion, Second Edition Tolkien
06/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) July 01
06/01 A Reader's Companion to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings various
06/01 All Tomorrow's Parties Gibson
06/01 Shadow of the Hegeman Card
06/01 The Coming Haldeman
05/01 Damnation Alley Zelazny
05/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) June 01
05/01 The Weapon Makers Van Vogt
05/01 The Weapon Shops of Isher Van Vogt
04/01 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rowling
04/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 01
04/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 01
03/01 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Rowling
03/01 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling
03/01 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Rowling
03/01 Far Horizons various
02/01 Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade Vonnegut
02/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 01
01/01 Foundation and Chaos Bear
01/01 Letters from Father Christmas Tolkien
01/01 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 01
12/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 01
12/00 Foundations' Fear Benford
11/00 Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science White & Gribbin
11/00 Red Harvest Hammett
11/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 00
10/00 Batman: No Man's Land Rucka
10/00 Those of My Blood Lichtenberg
10/00 A Fisherman of the Inland Sea Le Guin
10/00 Four Ways to Foregiveness Le Guin
10/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 00
09/00 The Persistance of Vision Varley
08/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 00
08/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 00
08/00 Mintrels in the Gallery Rees
08/00 Tales from Jabba's Palace various
07/00 Tales of the Bounty Hunters various
07/00 Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina various
06/00 The Road to Middle-Earth Shippey
06/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 00
06/00 A Question of Time: J.R.R. Tolkien's Road to Faerie Flieger
06/00 Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on the History of Middle-Earth various
05/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 00
05/00 Legends various
04/00 Ender's Shadow Card
04/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 00
04/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 00
03/00 The Return of the King Tolkien
03/00 The Two Towers Tolkien
02/00 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
02/00 The Annotated Hobbit Tolkien
02/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 00
01/00 Berserker Fury Saberhagen
01/00 The Road to Mars Idle
01/00 Forever Free Haldeman
01/00 Dune: House Atreides Herbert/Anderson
01/00 3001 Clarke
01/00 Farmer Giles of Ham (50th ann. ed.) Tolkien
01/00 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 00
12/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 00
12/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 99
11/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 99
11/99 Tom Jones Fielding
09/99 Chapterhouse Dune Herbert
09/99 Heretics of Dune Herbert
08/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 99
08/99 God Emperor of Dune Herbert
08/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 99
07/99 Children of Dune Herbert
07/99 Dune Messiah Herbert
07/99 Dune Herbert
07/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 99
06/99 Star Wars: Episode 1 Brooks
06/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 99
05/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 99
04/99 Catch 22 Heller
03/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 99
03/99 1968 Haldeman
02/99 The Golden Globe Varley
02/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 99
01/99 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 99
01/99 City Simak
01/99 Widow Maker I, II & III Resnick
12/98 Heroic Visions various
12/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 99
11/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 98
10/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 98
10/98 Roverandom Tolkien
09/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Sep 98
08/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Aug 98
08/98 The SF Hall of Fame Vol.IIa various
07/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jul 98
06/98 Berserker Kill Saberhagen
05/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jun 98
05/98 Berserker Base various
04/98 Kirinyaga Resnick
04/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) May 98
03/98 Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doyle
03/98 His Last Bow Doyle
03/98 The Valley of Fear Doyle
03/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Apr 98
02/98 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Doyle
02/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Mar 98
01/98 The Forever Peace Haldeman
01/98 The Forever War Haldeman
01/98 Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle
01/98 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Feb 98
12/97 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Jan 98
11/97 Starship Troopers Heinlein
11/97 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle
11/97 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doyle
10/97 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Dec 97
10/97 Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) Oct/Nov 97
09/97 The Sign of the Four Doyle
09/97 A Study in Scarlet Doyle

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